International Consulting and Trading based in Djibouti.

Composed of senior consultants, our team offers a range of skills from advising companies and institutions, private or public, in all areas covering their creation, management and transformation. We take on the management of all social and technical projects, offering services that lead to solutions and pragmatic, holistic and long-term resolution of the cases submitted by our clients.

  • Vision :

    Our ambition is to accompany and advise our clients at every stage of their development, avoiding legal and commercial pitfalls and boosting their growth.

  • Approach :

    - Provide relevant and effective recommendations based on sound knowledge, combined with long- standing multidisciplinary experience focused on growth and innovation
    - Develop rapid and well-founded solutions for individuals and companies.
    - Apply our international experience and proven working methods to local contexts to accelerate progress in solving complex problems.
    - Provide effective, results-based and change management methods to help identify sustainable and beneficial solutions.

  • Values :

    Integrity – All members of the team enjoy both national and international reputations in the exercise of their professional activities, ensuring their clients a relationship based on trust and a strong work ethic, reliable and sound judgment.
    Profesionnalism – Everything we do is deeply rooted in knowledge of what works, robust data and a thorough understanding of businesses needs.
    Efficiency : through our personalised approach to the client, we achieve the objectives set by him through goal-oriented and result-oriented advice and decision making

"It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed." – Napolean Hill

Our Skills


We conduct all kinds of studies, prepare reports, participate in the elaboration or review of all texts or codes in all legal and social fields. We participate in the implementation of policies and procedures, provide services in the field of training, management and organisational efficiency of public institutions, the private sector and civil society. Our services are guided by values and methods that emphasise a people-centred approach, problem-solving management skills and the creation of synergies and networks.


We manage large infrastructure projects (port and others) and also do programme coordination, impact assessment, budget planning and control, and project monitoring and evaluation, applying the due diligence process.

We offer services as diverse as technical assistance (capacity building, training and inspection), performance improvement, reorganisation and restructuring through management systems

In the field of renewable energy, we offer professional and high quality technical and commercial expertise and are able to develop a comprehensive energy transition strategy for our clients or offer tailor-made renewable energy processes.

Our Team

Mr. Ayanleh Idriss Hassan


Hasna Barkat Daoud




Sitani Abdoulkader Daoud